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Relieving Hemorrhoid Symptoms in Houston, TX

The Dr. H Clinic diagnoses and treats hemorrhoid symptoms in Houston, TX. This common condition should be handled immediately. Three out of four adults will experience symptoms of this condition in their lifetime. Many avoid treatment out of embarrassment or fear, but this is always a bad idea. Hemorrhoids worsen over time when left untreated. If the condition gets too severe, it may even require surgery. Identifying and treating your condition early reduces the chance of recurrence and ensures that your symptoms can be treated quickly and painlessly.  During the initial visit we make sure there are no signs of cancer which can present as hemorrhoids in some cases.  Our treatments are non-painful and completed in less than five minutes for same-day recovery.

lady sitting on couch holding back

Identifying Symptoms

Hemorrhoids can be seen on the outside of the anal region, but can also be ’hidden’ just inside the anal canal.  Patients can suffer from many different symptoms and should schedule a consultation at The DR H clinics to receive the proper diagnosis and treatment. Hemorrhoid symptoms include:

  • Bleeding: Bright red blood can appear on the stool, toilet paper, or toilet bowl. Bleeding can vary and at times can be excessive.
  • Prolapse: Swollen tissue may protrude through the anal opening, especially  after a bowel movement or straining.
  • Pain: Swollen veins and tissues commonly cause pressure, discomfort and severe pain.
  • Itching: Scratching and excessive itching on the outside of the anal area are common hemorrhoid symptoms.
  • Seepage: Hemorrhoids can cause fecal smearing, mucous discharge and wetness in the undergarments.
elderly couple smiling

Prevent Relapses and Relieve Pain

Hemorrhoids can be prevented by exercising, drinking lots of fluids, and eating more whole grains, fresh fruits, and leafy vegetables. Patients should avoid laxatives, excessive straining or lifting, and prolonged sitting, including scrolling or reading on the toilet. Don’t wait to relieve pain and discomfort. Schedule an appointment with a certified colorectal surgeon to evaluate and treat your symptoms. Until you can come to the office, your pain and discomfort can be eased by:

  • Soaking in warm water
  • Gently patting the anal area with baby wipes
  • Using ice packs to relieve swelling
  • Applying over-the-counter cream

Types and Common Causes

Hemorrhoids are caused by too much pressure in the rectum, from constipation, straining, diarrhea, pregnancy, prolonged sitting and physical activity. Hemorrhoids can also be genetic and you are more likely to get them if your parents had them. There are two types of hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids form inside the anus and can cause bleeding, prolapse or swollen tissue, burning, irritation, seepage and irritation. External hemorrhoids ore on the outside and can be seen and felt.  These are caused from a blood clot just under the skin.  These can result in a large, firm and very painful bump.

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