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Treatment for Anorectal Conditions in Houston, TX

The Dr. H Clinic provides advanced surgery and treatment for anorectal conditions in Houston, TX. We offer various treatments to help you heal and get back on your feet in no time. It’s vital for patients experiencing anorectal conditions to seek professional treatment from a qualified physician. Not only can a trained doctor prevent your condition from worsening, but they can eliminate pain and help ensure a quick recovery. We’re here to take care of your discomfort and return to your everyday life activities.

elderly couple looking out window

Exceptional Services From Expert Providers

Discover our quality services and expert care. There’s no need to continue suffering from uncomfortable symptoms. Our team is ready to help you find the care you need to improve your health. Our experienced providers will give you an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan for high-quality care and service.

Let Our Team Treat You

Anal Fissure

An anal fissure is a tiny tear or cut in the anus, causing pain or bleeding. Most fissures heal on their own and can be treated with medicated creams. Some fissures become chronic and may need careful surgical correction.

Anal Abscess & Fistula

Abscesses are puss-filled infected cavities near the anus or rectum, usually caused by an acute infection. An abscess can lead to a fistula, a small tunnel connecting the anal gland to the skin. These conditions cause pain, swelling, irritation or fever. Abscesses must be drained, and a fistula  usually requires surgery.  We are top experts in the care for those with anal abscess and fistulas.  

Anal Warts & HPV

Warts around the anus are a common condition that we treat and are typically caused by HPV.  It is important to have these evaluated for removal as they tend to grow and spread over time.   HPV can also lead to anal cancer.  We offer a minimally invasive and targeted treatment plan to reduce pain and discomfort.

Rectal Bleeding

Blood in the stool is often caused by hemorrhoids or anal fissures but can also indicate a severe medical condition such as a tumor or cancer.  We will evaluate you during your very first visit to make sure that there are no other concerns and be able to give you peace of mind.  If you have rectal bleeding don’t delay.  Schedule an appointment with one of our specialists 

Committed to Quality Care for Our Patients

We are committed to our patients and treat you with kindness and respect. We want all our patients to feel as calm and comfortable as possible when receiving the quality care they need. Our staff is trained and knowledgeable to answer your questions and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about your treatment. We focus on medical education to help our patients understand their conditions and options. We aim to help you make the best decisions to get to your best health and prevent recurring problems.

Real People. Real Results.

Book a Same Day Appointment!