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What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are veins in and around the anus that tend to stretch under pressure, somewhat like varicose veins in the legs. Hemorrhoids can enlarge, swell and bulge resulting in symptoms such as itching, burning, pain or bleeding.

Straining over long periods of time, constipation, prolonged sitting, pregnancy and many other causes can result in hemorrhoids.

There are two types of hemorrhoids – internal and external. Symptoms and treatment options depend on the type of hemorrhoids you have. Both types can result in bleeding, pain, irritation, protrusion of tissue and difficulty keeping the area clan.

Internal hemorrhoids tend to result in burning, irritation and bleeding as well as prolapse of tissue and seepage with bowel movements.

External hemorrhoids can thrombose and cause a large firm bump or nodule with extreme pain and discomfort.

The Dr. H Clinic has been treating hemorrhoids without the need for surgery for years. A gentle office exam can be performed to see if you qualify for non-surgical management with rubber band ligation or other non-invasive techniques in less than 5 minutes. You can return to work and your normal activity the same day.

Am I at risk for having hemorrhoids?

Constipation and straining are often the main causes of hemorrhoids. You may also get hemorrhoids after frequent episodes of diarrhea. Hemorrhoids tend to run in the family, and you may be more likely to get them if your parents had them. Other factors include obesity, sitting too long on the toilet, or standing or lifting too much. Excessive exercise such as running, bike riding or heavy weight training ma also result in hemorrhoids.  Pregnant women often get hemorrhoids because of the strain from carrying the baby and from giving birth.

How can I prevent getting hemorrhoids?

A diet rich in fiber such as fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, and whole-grain breads and cereals can help prevent hemorrhoids. Fiber helps bulk the stools and reduces constipation, straining and diarrhea. Adding a fiber supplement can be very beneficial if you feel you are not getting enough fiber in your diet. Avoid foods that are associated with constipation such as cheeses and processed foods and try to drink plenty of fluids and stay well hydrated. Avoid sitting on the toilet for more than 3 or 4 minutes as this can lead to engorgement and swelling of the hemorrhoids. Exercise regularly but try to avoid excessive lifting to the point of straining or cardio activities that are excessive.

Do hemorrhoids lead to cancer?

No. There is no relationship between hemorrhoids and cancer. However, the symptoms of hemorrhoids can be very similar to those of rectal and anal cancer and other diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, it is very important to schedule a visit with us so we can evaluate the area and give you the safest and quickest treatment plan.

What can I do to help with the pain and discomfort?

If you develop a hemorrhoidal flare-up or excessive pain, call to schedule an appointment right away to help prevent complications. We do our best to work you in right away with one of our specialists. The following measures may help minimize your discomfort.

Take warm soaks three or four times a day and after every bowel movement.

Clean the anal area after each bowel movement by gently patting with moist toilet paper or moistened pads, such as baby wipes. Do not scrub the area or use soaps.

Use ice packs to relieve swelling.

Apply an over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream containing witch hazel or similar brand to help lubricate before a bowel movement.

Avoid constipation or diarrhea with a diet high in fiber and adding a bulk fiber agent.

Are There Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Hemorrhoid?

Yes!!  We specialize in non-surgical management of hemorrhoids.  Rubber Band Ligation is the most effective ways to treat the hemorrhoids without requiring painful or invasive surgery and usually can be performed on your very first visit right in the office.  Infrared coagulation is another non-invasive technique that we offer in the office.  We successfully treat over 90% of our patients without the need for the traditional painful and invasive hemorrhoid surgery.

Colon, rectal and anal cancer can mimic the symptoms of hemorrhoids. We offer an evaluation during your first office visit to make sure there is nothing concerning and to give you piece of mind.

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