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Real People. Real Results.

Dr. Haas was able to take care of prolapsed hemorrhoids in two visit that two other doctors couldn’t or wouldn’t, and that is what they advertised. Gold start to Dr. Haas.


Dr Haas & staff are AWESOME. He’s taken care of my husband using Ligation Banding 3 times. Each was extremely successful. His staff are very caring. Wouldn’t want to see anyone else. He’s the BEST.


Best possible choice I could have made! Very humbling experience in life with this and this crew made it all that much easier to deal with. Can’t begin to explain the level of confidence this Dr. Has. Respectfully, Mike

Mike Aswell

Dr. Haas is the best in town. It can be stressful at times coming in for a follow-up.... ya know, the fear of the unknown and all. Dr. Haas made my visit today very comfortable. His knowledge and expertise is second to none. I will recommend anyone to Dr. Haas. You will not regret it. His staff is extremely professional and comforting as well.

John B.

I have been suffering for 10 years with hemorrhoids. There I said it. This procedure was UNBELIEVABLY easy and practically pain free. If you’re suffering don’t kid yourself this is the man to see. Thanks Dr Haas


I have been suffering with hemorrhoids for years. I came to Dr. H Clinic for rubber band ligation. The first few days I felt some minor pressure and then it was perfect ! Each time I have a treatment I get better and better. And NO surgery !! Thank you Dr. H

Yiyan Bai

Dr.H is absolutely fantastic. Came to the office for RBL left the same day with no pain at all it was amazing.

James D

Wonderful, Professional and fast to help. I could not have asked for better help.

Wendy Spenneberg

Went to Dr. H for rubber band ligation, WOW! I didn't even know it was done, NO PAIN AT ALL!!

Scott Jackson

I have been suffering with hemorrhoids for years. I came to Dr. H Clinic for rubber band ligation. The first few days I felt some minor pressure and then it was perfect! Each time I have a treatment I get better and better. And NO surgery !! Thank you Dr. H

Yiyan Bai

I had the best experience with these doctors! | had the hemorrhoid banding ligation done and had no pain I was able to take care of this issue in one office visit. It was a great experience!

Phil Garza

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