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Comfortable and Convenient Hemorrhoid Treatments in Houston, TX

The Dr. H Clinic provides pain free non-surgical hemorrhoid treatments in Houston, TX. Hemorrhoids can cause bleeding, swelling and protrusion of tissue, pain, itching, or burning.  Rest assured that our experienced doctors can get you feeling better. We use modern in-office methods to ensure little discomfort and a quick recovery.  Our most common and convenient non-invasive treatment is called rubber band ligation.  We also perform infrared coagulation and other non-invasive treatments depending on the individual situation. These are performed in-office and same day!

people walking with suitcases

Rubber Band Ligation

Rubber Band Ligation (RBL) is our preferred method to relieve symptoms from hemorrhoids such as bleeding, protruding tissue, seepage, or pain. Our specialist uses a unique applicator to deliver a small rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid. This blocks blood flow so the hemorrhoid will wither away and drop off. The hemorrhoid and the rubber band will fall off after a few days with little to no discomfort. This convenient treatment takes only minutes and can relieve symptoms immediately in office on the same day as your visit. There is no need for a painful surgical procedure.

elderly couple

Laser Treatments

Hemorrhoids can be treated by lasers which use energy to ablate and destroy the tissue through coagulation.  Our preferred technique is known as Infrared Coagulation (IRC).  This is a modern method that delivers infrared light to photocoagulate the hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoid shrivels up right away for effective relief.  This is an office procedure that takes only minutes to perform and is pain free for quick and painless recovery.  There is no need for painful surgery.

Fast Recovery for Quick Relief

The Dr. H clinic offers fast and effective hemorrhoid treatments options, so you don’t have to suffer in silence. We use innovative non-surgical techniques to provide you with pain free relief. Our compassionate providers and staff provide you and your loved ones the best care.  We can relieve your discomfort immediately in office so you can get back to enjoying your life without any major and painful surgery.  We offer same day appointments for your convenience. Our team at the Dr. H clinic strives to offer comfortable and innovative care focused on fast relief from hemorrhoids and same-day recovery.

Real People. Real Results.

Book a Same Day Appointment!